Parc naturel régional
Scarpe - Escaut
Who are we?
The territory
The charter
The Parks Network
Hainaut Cross-Border Nature Park
Parks in France
Parks North Pas de Calais
The Parck facilities
The House of the Forest
Understanding and commitment
For natural
Natural sites
Fauna and Flora
The Scarpe
The Scheldt
Wetlands Areas
LIFE Anthropofens
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Resource Centre Park
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Photographic Observatory Transboundary Landscape
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Site du S.A.G.E Scarpe Aval
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› Who are we ?
The territory
The Parks Network
The Parck facilities
The House of the Forest
Who are we ?
Welcome to the website of the Regional Natural Park Scarpe-Escaut! 55 common North identified for their natural resources, are engaged in the construction of a coherent territory and always ahead of environmental concerns!
The territory
The Parks Network
The Parck facilities
Why cross-border?
what mean the charter 2010-2022 ?
48 Regional Nature Parks in France
3.5 million park residents
Full-day or half-day
Educational visits over several days
A few characteristics of the territory
Developing close ties over a long period
The Regional Nature Sites body
Avesnois Regional Nature Park